The Chief Minister's Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana is a significant initiative launched by the Maharashtra government aimed at promoting the financial independence of women, improving their health and nutrition, and strengthening their pivotal role in the family. This scheme provides monthly financial assistance to eligible women, ranging from the age group of 21 to 65 years, to empower them socially and economically. Key Features of the Scheme Under this scheme, eligible women receive a monthly financial support of ₹1,500. The initiative is designed to provide economic relief and empowerment to women across Maharashtra, helping them achieve better standards of living and better health. The scheme also aims to foster gender equality and support women’s participation in decision-making processes at home and in society. Implementation and Updates The implementation of the Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana began in July 2024. Since its launch, six installments have been credited in...
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