Delhi LG Calls for NIA Investigation Against CM Kejriwal Over Alleged Funding from Prohibited Group In a major turn of events, the Lieutenant Governor (LG) of Delhi has called for an investigation by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) against the city’s Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal. The allegations revolve around the receipt of political funding from a group that has been banned. The LG’s recommendation for an NIA probe marks a significant development in the political landscape of Delhi. This move is expected to escalate the ongoing political tussle between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), led by Kejriwal, and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The allegations against Kejriwal suggest that he has been receiving financial support for political purposes from an organization that is currently under a ban. If proven, these allegations could have serious implications for the Chief Minister and his party. The LG’s recommendation for an NIA probe underscores the gravity of the allegati...
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